As International Property Specialists, we have been working with Beatrice Dornier for several years now. Beatrice is a professional of high standards, open to collaborations and carries valuable experience in real estate, an important asset for efficiently servicing both buyers and sellers.
Angela C. Eliopoulos
Global Owner Properties

Béatrice fait preuve d’une grande efficacité avec un enthousiasme à toute épreuve.
Je recommande très volontiers ses services
Anne Queneutte STRATEGES

To whom it may concern.
Re Bea Dornier
I have seen Bea Dornier in various capacities in the real estate business and can recommend her as being easy to work with, energetic and helpful.
Those who do business with her with find her knowledgeable and professional.
Roy K.

I have worked with Beatrice for many years. She is very professional and efficient and I would not hesitate to recommend her services.
Marilyne B.
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